Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday January 24th After Market

The markets have now worked their way back to a trendline. In addition we have decent earnings out from MSFT after hours. I sold my CLWR holdings at 12.16 from my purchase at 11.15 for +$1.01. I also ended up going long MA at 187.07 and sold at 188.71 for +$1.64. Not a bad day today going with the trend. After hours I also scalped a short on BIDU at 315 and covered at 311.6 for a +$3.40 after the MSFT spike occurred. BIDU has now rallied about 80 points off the low around 235!

All cash again and ready for another day.
I'm liking what we see here, but this rally needs to retest some previous levels.

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